Drugs are subtances that  when introduced into the body act on the central nervous system. this causes changes that can affect behavior , mood or perception. In addiction , its consumption may involve: 

Psychological Dependence: It occurs when the person needs to use the drug to experience a state  of pleasure or to avoid some emotional distress
Physical Dependence: when the organism has become accustomed to the presence of the drug and needs this substance to function normally. 
Tolerance: when it i necessary to increase the dose of a drug of habitual consumption to achieve the same efffects that are obtained with smaller doses . 


Prevention programs: Increase protection factors and eliminate or reduce the risk factors of drug use. they are set for different ages and can be used individually or in groups, such as school or home .there are three types of programs:
Universal programs : focus on the risk and protection factors that are common to all children in a given enviorement such a school or community .

Selective programs :  for groups of children and adolescent who have certain factors that increase the risk of using grugs .

indicated programs: They are commited to young people who have already experienced grug use.

Encourage parental fuction to enhance protective factors related to drug use and promote healthy.Attitudes and habits through the educational process that occurs in thefamily environment 
promote and improve the application os specific drug prevention program and associated problem for families at  risk.


Negative consequences of drugs :  Neurochemical disorders in the brain , mood disturbance, family relational and social problems,addiction, anxiety and insomnia, respiratory problems,isolatio , overdose , death, antisocial behaviors.  

Causes of addiction: The cause of addiction the consumption facilitated by the use of any addictive substance and ill cases the factor is the intoxication generated by the selfdestructive of pathological dependence.
It is impossible to determine or refer to a generalized diagnosis in relation to drug addiction. while there may be circumstantial similarities  between an addict and another at the time of their connection with drugs. there are no disosders in common at all.the factors related to the use and consumption vary according to the person. the life history and the context in wich they need to supply the toxic.

EFFECTS: Repeated drug use causes the body to get used to it phyically. the drugs interfere with the neurological and biological mechanism, in particular the chemical substance that transmit messages between the cells of the nervous system (neurotransmitters), and are fixed on specific receptors in the brain. Under normal conditions , these receptors receive substances secreted by the body  (endorphins), which have calming properties.

Conclusion: Drug abuse can only provide a "temporary escape" from the world. the risk are great and the results can be fatal. it is up to continue the fight against drugs to avoid regrettable and irremediable events.from all of the above , the importance of family union at all times and constant communication is neglected, and in this way prevent external people from influencing and improperly controlling their family members.

